Content rating is a feature that allows publishers to classify their articles based on safety levels, such as whether the content is safe, somewhat safe, or not safe. This is particularly useful for websites dealing with sensitive topics, such as nudity, violence, or other potentially explicit material. By properly categorizing content, you can ensure better compliance with advertising guidelines and prevent ads from displaying on certain pages.
How to Enable and Use Content Rating in Newsifier
Activate Content Rating in Settings
Log in to your Newsifier admin panel.
Navigate to the Settings menu and go to the Other tab.
Locate the Content Rating option.
Toggle the feature on to activate it.
Save your changes to apply the setting.
Assign a Content Rating to Articles
Go to the Article Page in Admin Panel for the article you want to manage.
In the right-hand panel, under the "Type" section, you’ll see a new Content Rating field.
Select the appropriate rating for the article:
Somewhat Safe
Not Safe
Once selected, this rating is automatically added as metadata in the article's HTML header.
Why Use Content Rating?
Advertising Compliance: Helps inform advertisers whether their ads should or should not be displayed on specific articles.
Audience Control: Allows for better management of content visibility and user trust.
Improved Metadata: Ensures search engines and ad providers receive clear signals about the nature of your content.